1st Implementation Day

The first implementation day is organised jointly with BASt, the German Federal Highway Research Institute, in Bergisch Gladbach (Germany), on Tuesday, the 20th of March 2018. The day after (21 March 2018) is the national symposium organised by BASt, and dedicated this year to smart structures. One focus of the symposium is on the results of the research project SMART DECK, an intelligent, multifunctional amplification and protection system for bridge decks.

Download the flyer here.

The BASt symposium programme is available here.

Registration is free but compulsory.


Click here to access to the 1st Implementation Day in pictures.


10:00 - 10:30Registration and coffee

10:30 - 10:40

Welcome and introduction
Dr. Peter Haardt (BASt)

10:40 - 10:50

INFRASTAR at a glance
Dr. Odile Abraham (Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar)

10:50 - 11:10

Challenges in maintaining a reliable and performant railway network
Dr. Peter Lippert (Deutsche Bahn)

11:10 - 11:30

Focus on Work Package 1: Monitoring and auscultation
Dr. Ernst Niderleithinger (BAM)

11:30 - 12:30

Advanced ultrasonic instrumentation for interferometric monitoring
Xin Wang (BAM)

Fibre-optic sensor for fatigue monitoring
Antoine Bassil (Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar)

Sensor integration, data fusion and information management for industrial monitoring systems
Joyraj Chakraborty (NeoStrain)

NDT parameters for fatigue damage identification in structural elements
Imane Bayane (EPFL)

12:30 - 13:30Lunch buffet
13:30 - 14:10

Presentations by the PhD students to introduce the poster session

Fusion and calibration of distributed fiber optics and CODA wave NDT technique
Antoine Bassil (Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar), Amol Mankar (AAU), and Xin Wang (BAM)

Quantification the value of SHM information on Crêt de l'Anneau viaduct
Imane Bayane (EPFL) and Lijia Long (BAM)

The optimal monitoring planning
Morteza Ahmadivala (PHIMECA), Joyraj Chakraborty (NeoStrain) and Bartek Sawicki (EPFL)

Risk assessment of welded details in the deck of Millau viaduct based on the WIM data
Mariia Nesterova (Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar) and Sima Rastayesh (AAU)

Sensitivity of offshore wind turbine loads with respect to soil variability based on finite element method
Joey Velarde (COWI) and Gianluca Zorzi (GuD)

14:10 - 15:10

Poster session & demonstrations
Coffee & refreshments
15:10 - 16:00

Round tables
- Round table #01 on "Advanced ultrasonic instrumentation for interferometric monitoring"
- Round table #02 on "Fibre-optic sensor for fatigue monitoring"
- Round table #03 on "Sensor integration, data fusion and information management for industrial monitoring systems"
- Round table #04 on "NDT parameters for fatigue damage identification in structural elements"

16:00 - 16:20


16:35 - 17:50Consortium meeting with the End User Advisory Board
18:00 - 19:30Evening dinner @ Kardinal Schulte Haus 


BASt (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen)
Federal Highway Research Institute
Brüderstraße 53, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach - Germany

How to reach BASt