The first implementation day was held at BASt, the German Federal Highway Research Institute, in Bergisch Gladbach (Germany).
1st Implementation Day in pictures

Welcome and introduction by Dr.-Ing. Peter Haardt
Dr.-Ing. Peter Haardt is the Head of the section for concrete structures and deputy head of the department for bridges and structural technology in the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), Bergisch Gladbach.
- He studied civil engineering at the University of Hanover, PhD at the Institute for Concrete Structures and Building Materials, University of Karlsruhe, and since 1992, he is employee of BASt.
- He is member of various federal/state administration committees (committees of DIN, DAfStb, DBV and DIBt).
- His main topics of interests are: design and construction, building materials and building material testing, construction methods and upgrading as well as protection and repair of concrete bridges.
INFRASTAR at a glance by Dr Odile Abraham
Dr Odile Abraham is the INFRASTAR project coordinator and the Director of the geophysics and non-destructive evaluation research laboratory at Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar.
- She graduated in 1990 at the École des Travaux Publics de l'Etat (France), she obtained a PhD at the University of Wales College of Cardiff (UK) in 1993 in structural dynamics and her “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” in 2004 at the University of Nantes.
- She is a member of the Permanent Scientific Board of the French Confederation of NDT.
Keynote by Dr.-Ing. Peter Lippert
Dr.-Ing. Peter Lippert (Deutsche Bahn) gives a keynote on "Challenges in maintaining a reliable and performant railway network".
- Dr.-Ing. Peter Lippert studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich (Germany). Since 2008, he works at Deutsche Bahn (bridge construction).
- He is member of various committee (NA005-57-03AA "Lastannahmen für Brücken", CEN/TC 250/SC 1/WG 3 “Traffic loads on bridges", CEN/TC 250/SC 1/WG 3 TG “Track Bridge Interaction“).
Focus on WP1: monitoring and auscultation
Dr Ernst Niederleithinger, WP1 leader, had to cancel his participation due to personal reasons. Therefore, his presentation on "Monitoring and auscultation" has been given by Dr Odile Abraham
- Dr. Ernst Niederleithinger is a geophysicist with degrees from universities in Berlin and Potsdam.
- He worked at a geophysical contractor for almost 11 years. In 2001, he joined BAM, the German federal institute for materials research.
- One of his focal point is to adapt geophysical techniques for use in non-destructive testing.
Presentations by the ESRs of WP1
Xin Wang (ESR1 @ BAM) presented his work on "Advanced ultrasonic instrumentation for interferometric monitoring".

Antoine Bassil (ESR2 @ Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar) presented his work on "Fibre-optic sensor for fatigue monitoring".

Joyraj Chakraborty (ESR3 @ NeoStrain) presented his work on "Sensor integration, data fusion and information management for industrial monitoring systems".

Imane Bayane (ESR4 @ EPFL) presented his work on "NDT parameters for fatigue damage identification in structural elements".

Introduction to the posters session
The ESRs worked in group on "shared objects" and presented their common work through posters. Before the posters session, all group gave a short introduction.
- Group 1: Antoine Bassil (ESR2 @Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar), Amol Mankar (ESR9 @AAU), and Xin Wang (ESR1 @BAM)
Fusion and calibration of distributed fiber optics and CODA wave NDT technique
- Group 2: Imane Bayane (ESR4 @EPFL) and Lijia Long (ESR12 @BAM)
Quantification the value of SHM information on Crêt de l'Anneau viaduct
- Group 3: Morteza Ahmadivala (ESR10 @PHIMECA), Joyraj Chakraborty (ESR3 @NeoStrain) and Bartek Sawicki (ESR5 @EPFL)
The optimal monitoring planning
- Group 4: Mariia Nesterova (ESR6 @Université Gustave Eiffel - Ifsttar) and Sima Rastayesh (ESR11 @AAU)
Risk assessment of welded details in the deck of Millau viaduct based on the WIM data
- Group 5: Joey Velarde (ESR8 @COWI) and Gianluca Zorzi (ESR7 @GuD)
Sensitivity of offshore wind turbine loads with respect to soil variability based on finite element method
Poster sessions and demonstrations
After the short presentations, the posters session was the opportunity to discuss about each research project in more details.
Demonstrations were installed by the BAM team: Xin Wang and Marco Lange.
Round tables
Four round tables were set as follows:
- Round table #01 on "Advanced ultrasonic instrumentation for interferometric monitoring"
- Round table #02 on "Fibre-optic sensor for fatigue monitoring"
- Round table #03 on "Sensor integration, data fusion and information management for industrial monitoring systems"
- Round table #04 on "NDT parameters for fatigue damage identification in structural elements"