ESR7 - Gianluca Zorzi

2013 - 2016 International Master Course in Civil Engineering
University of Bologna, Bologna - Italy
- "Numerical and experimental investigation of structural stiffness influence on ratcheting convection cell in granular soils under cyclic loading"
2015 - 2015 Erasmus Plus, MSc in Coastal Offshore and Port Engineering
Aalborg University, Aalborg - Denmark
- "The Extension of the Port of Hanstholm": hydraulic and geotechnical investigation and design for the extension of the breakwater of the Port of Hanstholm, Denmark.
- The Excitation and Foundation of Marine Structures; Coastal, Offshore and Port Engineering;Risk and Reliability in Engineering
2009 - 2013 BSc in Civil Engineering
University of Padova, Padova - Italy
- "Experimental Analysis of the Ratcheting Phenomenon in Granular Soils" for which a sophisticated physical model for its investigation was built.